Car Title Loans For When Your Car Breaks Down
There are many reasons a person could run up a bad score besides living beyond their means. Emergency expenses, unpaid debts or mortgage payments and bankruptcy are all possible reasons why a borrower's rating is bad. This can make it very hard to get a cash loan from traditional lenders like banks and credit cards who charge low interest rates.
Due to their history of late payments, a borrower with bad scores can always expect to pay more in interest for the money they borrow. When you have a low rating and need cash urgently there are several subprime options that may help. Besides taking out car equity loans where your car equity is used as collateral, there are a number of other options those with bad or no credit. Here are a few of them.
Types of Bad Credit Loans
Borrowers can rely on several bad-credit instruments on the market, each have some advantages and some disadvantages. The three main types are:
1. Payday advances:
Most consumer advocates would not recommend this option unless you can rely on a steady income because the debt you incur must be paid off immediately. To get a payday advance, the lender will accept a post-dated check from the borrower in the amount of the money lent plus a lending fee, and the lender will deposit the check during the next pay period to cover the debt owed.
Payday advances work only as short-term debts for borrowers who have a job with a steady income and can ensure the debt will be repaid during their next pay period. These lenders charge high interest rates often coaxing borrowers to rollover their loan forcing the borrower further and further into debt.
2. Unsecured personal loans:
Unsecured personal loans do not require collateral and are given to borrowers who do not pledge their property, car or other assets to the lender. These debts are very risky for the lender, so they typically come with extremely high interest rates, fees and penalties, and have very rigid terms.
Over the term of these agreements, most borrowers often end up paying more in interest than they originally borrow. These debts are not recommended for those with bad credit, because they can get them into a never-ending cycle of debt.
3. Secured loans:
Car equity loans are secured debts that allow borrowers to get cash within a few hours. Borrowers with bad credit are not restricted because the borrower's car equity is used as collateral in order to secure the loan. Compared to unsecured credit, these instruments carry lower risk for the lender, therefore they can charge relatively low interest rates and offer better terms because the lender's investment is secured.
Ultimately the type of loan you choose will depend on your personal situation, requirements and your plans for repayment. No matter what you choose, make sure that you have a plan to repay it on schedule, according to the terms of the agreement, before you take out the cash.
If you default on your car equity loans, it will devastate you finances and credit rating even further and potentially trap you in a cycle of debt. However, if you use the cash wisely and repay it responsibly, your credit history will show positive repayment and possibly improve your credit score.